

【9846 天満屋ストア】株価考察 個人投資家ブログアンテナ


9846 (株)天満屋ストア

市場: 東証STD

業種: 小売業

業界: 食品・医薬品小売業

Tenmaya Store Co.,Ltd. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in retail business. The Company operates through two segments. The Retail segment is engaged in the retail of foods, sundries, clothing and related stores leasing business. The Retail Outskirts segment is engaged in manufacture and sale of prepared foods, the business of family restaurants and the provision of related products. Its brands include HAPPY TOWN, HAPPY’S, HAPPY Mart. The Company also operates real estate management business. 9846 天満屋ストアの株価/情報まとめ

9846天満屋ストア 株式/株価

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